Advice from British Marine on yacht maintenance during lockdown

Dear Gweek Classic Boat Yard Community,

A quick note to share an update from British Marine regarding boat maintenance during lockdown. Having met with the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) on 2 November, they have released the following statement:

"Where British Marine has been able to gather some specific clarity from Government, DEFRA officials have stated they do not consider private individuals visiting their boats for maintenance or winterisation purposes as an essential activity for leaving their primary place of residence.

DEFRA has confirmed that under PART 4 of the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) (No. 4) Regulations 2020, a member of the public can pay a business to maintain their boat on their behalf during the lockdown."

I hope this provides some clarity on the current situation - we are grateful for the understanding of all our boat owners during this time, and assure you we will welcome you back to the boatyard as soon as it is safe and permitted for us to do so.

Kind regards,

Mark Aichroth